Hi this is Tim Hodges.
Up until late 2012, I was the webmaster for Funclips Coupons. I also work as the marketing director for Forrest City Surplus and advise other
businesses about as a consultant. In my role as a marketing
consultant I advise many businesses looking for ways to attract customers
through their business. As a marketing expert I believe that an option like
Funclips that provides businesses with approximately 14 months of marketing for
one incredible low price is an amazing deal. Funclips also has the benefit of
being very trackable. With Funclips to track the success, all you need to do is
count the coupons which are redeemed. It's that simple. Just count the
coupons that are received and you know how well your coupon in Funclips coupon
did. When it comes to comparing Funclips with other types of marketing
the competitors have several drawbacks. Newspaper ads cost quite a bit more and
are only shown once. They may have great initial exposure however once the
newspaper is done with, your exposure is done as well. Radio is the same sort
of thing. With radio you get 50 to 60,000 people hearing your ad for 30 seconds
and then it's done, it's gone, there's nothing left. It's very difficult
to track the success either of these options. Do you get a guy with one
of those click counters to count the number of people that then walked in your
store and see if it was higher than the previous weeks? Remember with Funclips
you just count the coupons that your staff receives.
I believe in the power of coupons so much that when asked by another
marketing agency for some advice on how to market a business cheaply I
suggested that they look at coupon advertising in their area [the marketing
agency was not in the Greater Toronto Area where Funclips is located]. If
you work or own restaurant that is looking to fill tables, have a store and are
looking to generate traffic or run a services business and are looking to
attract new prospects then Funclips Coupon Books are a great option to add to
your marketing plan. The Funclips Coupon Salespeople will introduce your
business through their interactions directly with clients. You can't get that
kind of salesperson style exposure for your business anywhere close to the low,
low price that Funclips charges. In my opinion as a marketing expert I
believe that Funclips coupons are worth the insertion price. If you run a
business or are the marketing manager for a business in the Toronto,
Mississauga, Oakville or Barrie Ontario area I strongly recommend that you contact
the Funclips Coupon's Sales Consultants today so that you can look at crafting
a coupon advert for the next edition of Funclips Coupon Books.